Talking to Kids About Tattling
By: Tacoma K.
“A truly strong person does not need approval of others any more than a lion needs approval of a sheep”(Howard). Tattling causes problems. If you tattle you can get get labeled and you can feel hurt. Or, if you tattle is some houses, then you are most likely to get your way. So parents should talk to their kids about tattling.
When People tattle they cause problems with their siblings, then many times their parents have to deal with that. According to the website, siblings tattle on eachother to either get revenge or get attention if they feel left out (Smith). So our parents need to teach our siblings to stop tattling.
When Kids tattle they get labeled like being called: squealer, snitch, and or tattle tale, according to you need to stop and tell your kid to stop tattling so he/she will not get teased. This will also hopefully help him or her to stop tattling and learn to work problems out (Lock).
Lastly, kids tattle to get attention according to This article says that kids tattle to make people notice them and not feel left out (Smith). So, in order for kids to learn that they will not get attention this way, you need to ignore them.
Some people might argue that it is normal that 5 year olds tattle and that their siblings need to deal with it, or that they tattle too. But, what if adults were the ones getting tattled on, then how would they feel? Hence, tattling wouldn’t be good for the person who is tattling when they get older. For example, if parents don't stop children from tattling now, then children can grow up to be adults who try and get revenge this way also.
If parents don’t stop their kids from tattling they might be in big trouble (Smith). Why would you want your kid to get labeled? That’s why parents should tell their children to stop tattling.
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