Technology Should Not be Taken Away by Parents
by Alexis A.
A new Pew Research Center report found that 65% of parents take away cell phones and internet privileges as punishment. However, there are so many apps that assist with skills that are challenging. Technology can benefit children's schoolwork, which is a reason not to take it away. How is taking technology away helpful? Why do parents take technology away if it only lasts a little while? Don't you think that taking technology away will just make the situation worse? Maybe, instead of taking technology away, we should find a solution for kids to use technology more appropriately.
One study by Max Ufberg of Pacific Standard shows that encouraging honesty without the fear of punishment results in more kids telling the truth. This means that children who don't have a fear of punishment are more likely to tell the truth. Being honest can often prevent parents from taking electronics away because of the better feeling of not being lied to (Samuel).
Many parents either don't know or don't believe that technology actually offers many educational benefits as well. There are many apps that can really assist in skills that are challenging. So, depending on certain age groups, technology can offer a good amount of learning (Norman).
Many parents believe that using technology can delay their children's ability to interact with other people around them. This is actually completely wrong because studies from Pew Research Center also say that messaging, chatting, and other one-on-one group conversations online can actually help kids feel better about communicating with other people in real life (loop). Maybe, encouraging texting is a good thing that all parents should consider, also being sure to set rules on when and where to do it.
Although many parents believe that electronics and handheld devices should be banned for kids because of the possible effects of sleep deprivation, mental illnesses, and lack of sociability, technology offers more good than harm. Some of which includes its ability to give people practice who are uncomfortable socially.
Today I explained a few reasons why parents shouldn't take electronics away. Technology can boost social skills, assist in education, and can be used as a way to encourage more honesty. In many cases, technology can be seen as a good thing, and in many cases it can also be seen as a not-so-good thing, but it really depends on personal preference and what rules are set into place in your own home.
I agree with the fact that technology can assist with your education. For instance, if somebody needed to check a problem, they could use their phone to check their answer. It's a good idea to keep technology about!