Monday, January 16, 2017

Blaze F

Gaming Is Good for You
By Blaze F.
He goes to school 8 hours a day, when he gets out of school he goes straight to practice. By the time he gets home, he needs to do his homework, eat, shower, and then... he has free time. There are very few things to do except for video games. Video games are a waste of time, not healthy... or that's what his mom says. However, research shows that video games improve the brain and slow the aging process. Not to mention the fact that gaming can help people cure sicknesses.
Video gaming has a lot of benefits. One is that while playing brain teaser games for twenty minutes everyday you can age slower, according to Guarini. If that still doesn’t convince you, then this will. According to Mcgonigal, Video gaming helps improve the brain.
A German researchers asked twenty-three adults with a median age of twenty-five to play Super Mario 64 for thirty minutes a day over a period of two months. A separate control group did not play video games at all. Examining the brains of the two groups using an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine, they found that the gaming group had a rise in gray matter. Gray matter is the darker tissue in the brain and spinal cord. Grey matter include regions of the brain involved in muscle control and sensory perception, according to Guarini.
In another study, participants were asked to quickly spot things out of the normal in visual patterns. Participants who played games were able to do this better than those who didn't, according to Brown University. This information means that gamers develop or improve their brains and reflexes.
Critics argue that playing video games are a waste of time. However, It’s about when you have the time. For example, If you have the time to go on your phone or  read a book, then you have time to play video games. People shouldn’t stop going on their phones or stop reading for fun right.? Hence, everything you do you make time for, so make time for video games. If people don’t play video games they might live a shorter life. Additionally, people might miss out on helping their brains develop.  Also, gamers have very good reflexes. Everyone needs to go inside and play video games.

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1 comment:

  1. I think that your writing is good because you mentioned studies. I like the studies because it share scientific knowledge and it has proof that back up your writing.
